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The OctoPrint Plugin Repository is hosted on Github Pages. You can register new plugins by forking the source and just editing it accordingly.

Before registering your plugin, please check the following:

  • Your plugin doesn’t have any additional code in its setup.py that would run directly on plugin installation, or any additional code in its __init__.py that would run outside of OctoPrint’s plugin framework just by loading it.

  • Your plugin doesn’t attempt to modify the user’s system without their knowledge, e.g. by trying to install additional system packages, services or the like. If your plugin needs additional steps like this to function, add a wizard dialog that prompts the user to do these things, do not do them automatically.

    Exception: Fetching additional Python dependencies from the Python Package Index through plugin_requires in your setup.py is fine.

  • If your plugin heavily interacts with any kind of cloud services, your plugin must now link to a Privacy Policy through privacypolicy in your registration file and __plugin_privacypolicy__ in your setup.py. The goal is to give users access to your Privacy Policy and thus information on how you use their data and what data you use in what fashion prior to them installing your plugin.

  • If your plugin interacts with external services it will do so over secured connections with a valid certificate only (https://someservice.com instead of This also includes embedding any kinds of iframes in the web interface. Also include this kind of information in the plugin’s long description (see below)!

  • If your plugin requires the use of external services, and those services are unreachable (say for example a user’s internet is down or the OctoPrint instance runs offline in general), your plugin must fail in a way that does not cause OctoPrint to malfunction.

  • If your plugin contains any kind of tracking code, e.g. for anonymous user statistics to help with development, use an opt-in mechanism for this. Also include this kind of information in the plugin’s long description (see below)!

    The privacy of your users always takes precedence over your need for usage data!

  • If your plugin makes use of the octoprint.plugin.softwareupdate.check_config hook so that it may be updated through OctoPrint on a new release (highly recommended!) make sure that that hook’s handler uses your plugin’s identifier and points to your plugin’s repository.

  • Your plugin is compatible to Python 3. Python 2 is EOL. OctoPrint 1.4.0 does support Python 2 and Python 3, plugins will be expected to do so as well (or at least support Python 3) during a transition period of roughly a year after the release of OctoPrint 1.4.0 to allow a migration of the whole ecosystem. Read more on how to test this in this forum post.

Be aware that plugins that don’t follow the above will not be allowed to register on the repository. If you have any questions about any of these points, feel free to get in touch on the forum.

If all is in the green, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the OctoPrint/plugins.octoprint.org repository on Github to your own account.

  2. Clone the repository to your computer and change into it:

    git clone git@github.com:<your account>/plugins.octoprint.org
    cd plugins.octoprint.org
  3. Create a new file in the _plugins folder called <your plugin's identifier>.md.

    Important: Make sure your plugin's identifier is the same you will register your plugin under with OctoPrint! So if you used my_awesome_plugin as plugin_identifier during plugin creation make sure to use that exactly like that here too. Take also care of upper vs. lower case here, MY_awesOmE_PlUGIN is not the same as my_awesome_plugin.

    Use this template:

    layout: plugin
    id: your plugin's identifier
    title: your plugin's name
    description: short description of your plugin
    #- first author name
    #- second autor name
    license: your plugin's license
    # today's date in format YYYY-MM-DD, e.g.
    date: 2015-06-22
    homepage: your plugin's homepage URL
    source: your plugin's source repository URL
    archive: archive link to install your plugin via pip, e.g. from github: https://github.com/username/repository/archive/master.zip
    # Set this if your plugin heavily interacts with any kind of cloud services.
    #privacypolicy: your plugin's privacy policy URL
    # Set this to true if your plugin uses the dependency_links setup parameter to include
    # library versions not yet published on pypi. SHOULD ONLY BE USED IF THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION!
    #follow_dependency_links: false
    - a list
    - of tags
    - that apply
    - to your plugin
    - (take a look at the existing plugins for what makes sense here)
    - url: url of a screenshot, /assets/img/...
      alt: alt-text of a screenshot
      caption: caption of a screenshot
    - url: url of another screenshot, /assets/img/...
      alt: alt-text of another screenshot
      caption: caption of another screenshot
    - ...
    featuredimage: url of a featured image for your plugin, /assets/img/...
    # You only need the following if your plugin requires specific OctoPrint versions or
    # specific operating systems to function - you can safely remove the whole
    # "compatibility" block if this is not the case.
      # List of compatible versions
      # A single version number will be interpretated as a minimum version requirement,
      # e.g. "1.3.1" will show the plugin as compatible to OctoPrint versions 1.3.1 and up.
      # More sophisticated version requirements can be modelled too by using PEP440
      # compatible version specifiers.
      # You can also remove the whole "octoprint" block. Removing it will default to all
      # OctoPrint versions being supported.
      - 1.3.0
      # List of compatible operating systems
      # Possible values:
      # - windows
      # - linux
      # - macos
      # - freebsd
      # There are also two OS groups defined that get expanded on usage:
      # - posix: linux, macos and freebsd
      # - nix: linux and freebsd
      # You can also remove the whole "os" block. Removing it will default to all
      # operating systems being supported.
      - linux
      - windows
      - macos
      - freebsd
      # Compatible Python version
      # Plugins should aim for compatibility for Python 2 and 3 for now, in which case the value should be ">=2.7,<4".
      # Plugins that only wish to support Python 3 should set it to ">=3,<4".
      # If your plugin only supports Python 2 it will no longer be accepted on the plugin repository.
      # Uncomment the appropriate setting
      #python: ">=2.7,<3" # Python 2 & 3
      #python: ">=3,<4" # Python 3 only
    # TODO
    # If any of the below attributes apply to your project, uncomment the corresponding lines. This is MANDATORY!
    #  - cloud  # if your plugin requires access to a cloud to function
    #  - commercial  # if your plugin has a commercial aspect to it
    #  - free-tier  # if your plugin has a free tier
    Longer description of your plugin, configuration examples etc. This part will be visible on the page at
    plugins.octoprint.org/plugin/<your plugin identifier>/
    Use Markdown for formatting.
    Note: If you used octoprint dev plugin:new or the OctoPrint cookiecutter template for your plugin as suggested in the Getting Started guide, it created a pre-filled file for you under extras/<your plugin's identifier>.md you just have to complete. Then copy it to _plugins/<your plugin's identifier>.

    You may add screenshots to assets/img/plugins/<your plugin's identifier>/ (you’ll need to create this folder). You can then reference them as /assets/img/plugins/<your plugin's identifier>/your_image.png (the leading / here is important!).

    The image you define as featuredimage will be included in the plugin repository’s RSS feed and plugins.json file. Future versions of the plugin manager might also display it within OctoPrint.

    Some general guidelines:

    • Your short description should give a user scrolling through the repository a quick idea of what your plugin provides. Don’t write a novel here, but if possible be a bit more verbose than just basically repeating your plugin’s name.

    • Use the long description to really explain what your plugin does. Don’t just repeat the short description here. If your plugin has additional requirements (e.g. specific hardware or software), include that here and also explain how to get those. Use Markdown for formatting.

    • Make sure you your plugin is Python 3 compatible and mark it as such using the compatibility.python property. Newly registered plugins will be expected to be compatible at least to Python 3, ideally to both Python 2 and 3 during a transition period of roughly a year after release of OctoPrint 1.4.0.

    • Include screenshots and a featured image! The best way to show users what your plugin does and what they may expect from it is to simply include some screenshots that show exactly that. A picture is worth more than a thousand words as they say. If your plugin doesn’t visually modify OctoPrint in any way, please include that fact in the long description.

    • Do not directly embed third party screenshots/widgets/iframes! Thanks to the EU’s GDPR this could cause us severe legal problems. If you want to embed a YouTube video showing off your plugin, use the provided youtube.html include:

      {% include youtube.html vid="<youtube video id>" preview="<preview image, '/assets/img/...'>" %}

      That will make sure that no connection to YouTube is done without the user’s consent. You can fetch the preview image of your video at https://i.ytimg.com/vi/<youtube video id>/maxresdefault.jpg or with the fetch_yt_preview bash script included in the repository. If you use the latter you can leave out the preview parameter to the include.

    • Make sure the archive URL is always pointing to the latest release. OctoPrint uses that URL for initial installation of the plugin from the Plugin Manager (regardless of the version shown there). If you are using GitHub and the URL points to <project url>/archive/your_branch.zip (master, main are commonly used as branch name) adjust your branching strategy to only have latest release there.

    • If your plugin requires a cloud to function, has a commercial aspect to it and/or has a free tier you must mark it as such using the attributes property. If you are unsure about whether your plugin qualifies as being commercial, ask for clarification on that in your registration pull request. Please note that commercial plugins are excluded from the public stats after some cases of manipulation.

    If you are unsure about how something should be structured, take a look at the existing plugins or ask on the forum or in your registration pull request.

  4. Ideally, you’ll test that your plugin gets listed correctly and the plugin page looks as expected. For this you’ll need to install Jekyll, which is what Github Pages and hence the plugin repository uses for rendering the static repository from the source files. Make sure you have at least Ruby 2.0 installed.

    Github offers a nice setup guide that makes sure you have the exact versions of everything you need to run.

    Note: If you want to install Jekyll on Windows, you might want to give this step-by-step guide a look. You might run into some issues with the hitimes gem since at the time of writing this it hasn't yet been adapted to the changes introduced in Ruby 2.2. If this is the case, take a look here.

    After installing Jekyll, a simple

    bundle exec jekyll serve

    will start up a server listening on localhost:4000 serving the whole page. Make sure your plugin shows up there under “Recently added” and the other listing types and that it page looks as you expected.

  5. Commit your changes:

    git add _plugins/<your plugin's identifier>.md
    git add assets/img/plugins/<your plugin's identifier>
    git commit

    Please use a meaningful commit message (e.g. “Added plugin <your plugin’s identifier”).

  6. Push your changes to your fork on Github:

    git push
  7. Create a pull request on Github against the original repository.

    Note that a Continous Integration server is configured that will test your PR to make sure the site still builds and the generated feeds of the plugin repository are still valid. If something turns out to be amiss here, you can find out what’s up by clicking on the red “X” marking the build of your PR as failed.

  8. Once your pull request is merged, your plugin will be listed. Congratulations! 🎉