A plugin that allows common printer actions to be performed with physical buttons via GPIO
OctoBuddy is 3D printable button panel with an accompanying OctoPrint plugin that lets perform common printer actions like moving your print head with the push of a single button. It let’s you speed up things like maintenance, troubleshooting, and filament changes much quicker and easier by bypassing the need to access OctoPrint interface or cumbersome printer menus. The concept is simple, connect a button to the Raspberry Pi GPIO interface and tell the plugin which what action you want the port to perform. You can mount your buttons to one of the my button panels or make your own.
OctoBuddy can currently perform the following actions:
- Home Printer
- Jog any Axis by a configurable distance
- Toggle bed temperature between a configurable temperature and 0
- Toggle nozzle temperature between a configurable temperature and 0
For a full how-to on building your own OctoBuddy go here: https://www.factoryrestart.com/octobuddy
I build these things cause I like it. I make them available to you because… well, why not. If you like my work and would like to donate just click here. All contributions are much appreciated.