Validate nozzle size and filament type before starting a print.
This plugin validates nozzle size, build plate, and filament type before starting a print. It uses provided gcode setting to work, it is not a replacement for checking yourself but can help to prevent simple mistakes from occurring.
Needed plugins
- Spool Manager - This plugin will automatically set the filament type for the spool if you have it installed and have set the filament type for the spool.
Go to plugin settings and set your nozzle size, and build plate. Filament type should be set automatically if you have spool manager installed and have set the filament type for the spool. When you go to print, the plugin will check if the gcode settings match the settings you have set, and that the current filament is supported by the selected build plate. If it does not match, it will notify you of the error. If it does match, it will notify you of a successful validation.