This plugin has been abandoned

The current maintainer of this plugin seems to have abandoned it. If you want to take over its maintainenance, please get in touch here...

The OctoPrint-Plugin stores all print-job information of a print in a database.

Print Job History-Plugin collects a lot of attributes from OctoPrint itself, like Filename, Start/End-Time, Status, Username, Slicer-Settings and many more. But it also grabs information from other plugins: Thumbnail, Layer-Information, Filament usage

For a full overview of the latest feature set and planed features, please visit the Git Hub Homepage

NOTE: this plugin has been abandoned by the original creator and adopted here by a new maintainer

This plugin is under new management and will focus on critical bug fixes to start. Please bear with me as I get acclimated to this new plugin. If you would like to support these new efforts, please consider buying me a coffee or two. Thank you!


History Overview Tab
Edit of a Print Job Item
Change print status
Print Statistics
Plugin Settings
Optional Plugin Dependencies