Sub Plugin for SIO Control. Create Reactions to changes in IO, GCode, and more.

The Companion plugIn for the SIO Control

A simple but powerful addition to the SIO Control PlugIn. With this Sub PlugIn you can make full use of inputs and outputs available though SIO Control PlugIn + hardware.

Reactions are what happen when an IO point changes. What should happen is up to you.

Do things like:

  • Use a physical button to tell your machine to home or start to heat up for the print you will be sending soon.
  • Push a physical button and have a connected relay turn on, off or toggle state.
  • Push a physical button and send GCode to the OctoPrint GCode queue.
  • Have a relay turn on when specific GCode is seen.
  • If a limit switch is hit, send some GCode to the GCode queue.


Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:

You must have the SIO Control PlugIn installed for this to work.

Configuration / Setup

Setting up a Reaction is simple. Follow these steps.

  • Add a new Reaction row to the settings dialog. Push the Blue [+] button.
  • Name your Reaction.
  • Select the configured SIO point to react to (ignored for GCode Command Reaction types).
  • Select the type of Reaction React To
    • NONE Effectivly disables the Reaction
    • In Change React when this IO Input point changes state
    • In Active React when this IO Input point changes from Not Active to Active
    • In Not Active React when this IO Input point Changes from Active to Not Active
    • Out Change React when this IO Output point changes state
    • Out Active React when this IO Output point changes from Not Active to Active
    • Out Not Active React when this IO Output point changes from Active to Not Active
    • GCode Command React when a specific GCode command is detected.


SIO Reaction Settings
SIO Reaction Settings