Combines configured tabs into a single tab as draggable and resizable panels.

Consolidated Tabs

This plugin will allow you to consolidate any OctoPrint tab into a single Consolidated Tab as a draggable and resizable panel. Click the screenshot below to see an example YouTube video. Since version 1.0.0 the plugin utilizes gridstack.js for positioning and sizing.


Click the screenshot below to open a YouTube video demonstrating setting up Consolidated Tabs.

  • Resize Navbar: whether to resize the width of the top navbar to 100% or not.
  • Remove Tab Name: don’t show the name of the consolidated tab, only possible if all tabs are consolidated.
  • Use Full Width of Browser: if enabled the tab area will be sized to fit the entire width of the browser, and the sidebar will be moved to the left.
  • Enable Floating Panels: if enabled the panels will not auto collapse into available open space. Can be helpful when panels are jumping around a lot.
  • Don’t Show Instructions: if enabled the instructions will not be displayed when enabling edit mode.
  • Don’t Show Edit Button: if enabled the edit button in the navbar will be hidden.




  • The name of the tab will match what is configured in OctoPrint’s Title appearance setting.
  • It’s best to consolidate the desired tabs first and save, reload, and then enable edit mode again to resize and position.
  • Panels will become full width automatically and realign once the tab’s area width drops below a certain size.


If using Themeify you may want to add extra settings to your Advanced options. These are the relevant css selectors that you can adjust.

Selector CSS-Rule Value Context Hidden Tab Name Specific
.grid-stack-item.consolidated .grid-stack-item-content background-color #2f3136 Each Panel  
.grid-stack-item.consolidated .grid-stack-item-content border 1px solid #fc8003 Panels Border  
#tabs_content box-shadow unset Tab content wrapper Yes
#tabs_content background-color unset Tab content wrapper Yes

Get Help

If you experience issues with this plugin or need assistance please use the issue tracker at the plugin’s Homepage linked on the right.

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I, jneilliii, programmed this plugin for fun and do my best effort to support those that have issues with it, please return the favor and leave me a tip or become a Patron if you find this plugin helpful and want me to continue future development.

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