Control printer environment (Temperature control / Lights / Fans and Filament Sensor) using Raspberry Pi GPIO
This plugin is intended to control your printer enclosure using raspberry pi GPIO (At the moment this plugin only support raspberry pi).
A list of things that you can do:
- Add temperature sensors on your enclosure or near your printer
- Add active heaters on your enclosure and keep the temperature nice and high for large ABS
- Use custom Gcode to control rapsberry pi GPIO
- Use custom Gcode to control neopixel
- Use custom Gcode to control enclosure temperature
- PWM controlled outputs
- PWM controlled outputs based on temperature sensor
- Active cooling for good PLA printing
- Schedule GPIO’s to turn on and off with a fixed period of time during printing.
- Mechanical buttons to pause and resume printer jobs
- Mechanical buttons to send GCODE to the printer
- Mechanical buttons to control raspberry pi GPIO
- Multiple filament sensors for dual or more extruders
- Alarm when enclosure temperature reaches some sort of value
- Notifications using IFTTT when events happen (temperature trigger / print events / etc)
- Add sub-menus on navbar to quick access outputs and temperature sensors
There is also an API that can be used to interact with the plugin with other software