Uses PI GPIO pins to control a variable speed fan with PWM
GPIO FAN Controller
This is a lightweight plugin dedicated for controlling a fan via Raspberry Pi GPIO pin. This plugin has the following features:
- Convenient sidebar control
- Adjustable FAN speed
- Pin selection via settings
- M106 / M107 GCODE support
- Independent GCODE control using optional fan index
IMPORTANT - FAN Compatibility
This plugin is only intended to drive an external brushless DC FAN via MOSFET driver circuit. A MOSFET must be used to drive the FAN since the PI is not capable of providing adequate current to the FAN.
It is a also a good idea to use a separate power supply to drive the FAN since the PI power supply might not have adequate current to drive the PI + FAN. See wiring digram below as an example of how to interface to a 12V DC FAN.